We turn what you do not want
                       into what you need.


Credenciamento BNDES


The solid waste of the procedure is usually carbonic inert ash that can possibly be used as fertilizer because of their high levels of NPK (Nitrogen – Phosphorus-Potassium).

There are many other applications for this inert waste.


The liquid effluent from the system is only water from the moisture contained in the processed waste, which is vaporized under high temperature and subsequently condensed in the treatment and purification step of the gas produced.


The gaseous emission from the gasification process and from direct burning of the gas or even from its usage in power cogeneration systems is far below allowable limits by legislation (CONAMA and SMA) in terms of particulates, SOx, NOx, Dioxins and Furans.

As an example of atmospheric emission we demonstrate the recently obtained analysis results by the company Bioagri Environmental at our pilot installed at UNB (University of Brasilia), during processing of Domestic Residue Derived Fuel (dRDF) and Industrial Residue Derived Fuel (iRDF).


The process of waste treatment in question falls under Article 38 of CONAMA Resolution 316.

The comparison between the allowable limits and the indices obtained in the analysis is shown in the following table:


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