We turn what you do not want
                       into what you need.


Credenciamento BNDES

Our Company

W2E Bioenergy was created in 2010 based on a classic challenge which is the production of energy from waste, or even from trash.

We all realize that the accumulation of waste is a growing problem around the world .

While the various energy sources are becoming increasingly scarce, the planet becomes more dependent on them every day .


It would be like a dream come true if we could convert what we don’t want into what we need.

It was based on this concept that the company adopted a process that has the exact meaning of the acronym that makes up its name: W2E (Waste to Energy).

We improved a secular technology, anaerobic pyrolysis, thus avoiding the most common processes that have the same goal, such as digestion, composting and incineration.


We have developed a system with higher efficiency and effectiveness with reduced occupancy of espace. To these features are added the concept of being “Environmentally Friendly”.

We have the conviction to be contributing to the solution of a problem, not only concerning to proper disposal of waste, but the energy shortage that threatens the planet as well.

For all this, we are proud to state that we turn what you do not want into what you need.

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W2e Bioenergy 2013. All rights reserved. Development PWI