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Power Generation

One of the most desirable applications to use the gas produced in the processing of waste is to generate electricity.

This conversion can be done through classical thermodynamic cycles :

– Otto

– Diesel

– Brayton

– Rankine


In gensets powered by internal combustion engines (Otto and Diesel) the convertion of gas into electricity occurs from the partial (Diesel cycle) or total (Otto cycle) replacement of the líquid fuel.

In Otto cycle we count on engines able to operate with gaseous fuels considered as low calorific value, which is the case of Synthesis Gas.

Additionally, we have solution for some variation of Calorific Value and flow rate, likely to occur in the gas obtained when the gasified waste has not homogeneous composition .


In Diesel cycle, the Synthesis Gas can replace up to 90 % of fuel oil with the Bi-Fuel Diesel & Gas system.


The gas produced has characteristics suitable for the use in turbines (Brayton Cycle).

This is applicable for generating units from 10 MW of installed power.

In this case, it can also be adopted the combined cycle that recovers heat from the turbine exhaustion and applies it to a Rankine cycle system .

With this, the generation efficiency is significantly increased.


By using the gas as fuel directly in boilers, the power generation can be achieved by steam turbines (Rankine cycle).

The overall energy efficiency of the system varies significantly according to the thermodynamic cycle adopted.

A study of technical and financial feasibility must be performed for each case, in order to elect the more convenient or appropriate Power Generation Process.

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W2e Bioenergy 2013. All rights reserved. Development PWI